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School Uniform

St James' CE Academy believes that a consistent school uniform is vital to promote the school's ethos and provide all pupils with a sense of belonging and identity, regardless of their protected characteristics or socio-economic circumstances.

 The uniform includes the following elements of pupils’ appearance:

● Clothing, including the school uniform itself, variations of the school uniform such as PE kits, and other clothing worn at school, e.g. non-uniform.

● Hairstyles and headwear.

● Jewellery and other accessories.

● Cosmetics such as makeup and nail polish.

By choosing St James' and sending your child to school here, you agree with our procedures and policies. 

The St James' uniform procedure is consistent, fair and inclusive, reflective of the needs of all pupils. We regularly check that it is affordable and the best value for money for the school and pupils’ families, in line with our school's vision for education. We also offer the opportunity to purchase pre-loved uniform - please contact the school office to see what is currently available.  

We believe pupils learn most effectively and achieve their best outcomes when they are comfortable, able to be themselves, and dressed in a way that sets an appropriate tone for education.

School Uniform Supplier