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Starting School at St James'

When your child joins our school, we will do everything we can to ensure he/she and your family quickly settle into school life and become part of our school family.

For children starting school in Reception, we know that a successful start to school life will lead to successful transitions in future years. We have an established induction programme, which includes school transition visits in the term before admission into school in September, as well as home visits and staggered starts. We will work with you to agree a programme which works well for your child.

For all other children, they will usually start school on a Tuesday, when they will be met by their new teacher and taken through to class. In their first few days, we will invite other children to be their special 'buddy' to help them find their way away around their new class and their school. Their buddy will give them a tour of the school and introduce them to all the grown ups in school, so that everyone knows who they are. Our children are very friendly, and always enjoy being a buddy, and do a fantastic job at making sure friends are made very quickly!