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PE & Sports Premium

All schools receive special, additional funding to support the development of PE and Sport. 

We use our funding to:

  • buy into our local Sports Partnership
  • buy specialist coaching
  • provide quality training for our staff
  • purchase additional resources for PE lessons and for lunchtime playtimes
  • provide specific PE workshops during our 'themed' weeks

We also encourage health and fitness through a variety of activities and curriculum-based topics/themes, particularly in science and PSHME. Every day, all our children take part in running for a sustained period of time.

In July 2023, we were proud to receive the School Games Platinum Award for our work, and for many years now,  we have received the Gold Award. We have also been awarded a Modeshifts Bronze Award (July 2021) in recognition of our work to secure safe and healthy travel to and from school.