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Deciding which is the right school to apply to for your child’s education is very important. Our small school serves the Parish of St James, which includes the village of Biddenham and its surrounds. Children in our school come from Biddenham, Great Denham, and Queen's Park. This map shows our catchment area (courtesy of Google maps and

For all admissions, we work closely with Bedford Borough Council, who co-ordinate the process of applications on our behalf.

We have places for 30 children in each year group, from Reception to Year 6. Tours with the Head teacher are available most weeks, usually on Friday afternoons and places can be booked via the school office - 01234 352721

Spaces are available in some year groups; Year 3, Year 4 & Year 5 currently have spaces.

Please contact the school office to arrange a telephone conversation.

How to apply

We work with Bedford Borough Council (BBC) as part of the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. This means that it manages and administers the admissions process.

If you wish to apply for a Reception place at our school, then you need to contact the BBC Admissions Team to request an Admissions Pack and application form (in September/ October) and you should return the completed form to them. Starting school Application For in-year admissions in other year groups, please contact the school to arrange a tour, or contact Bedford Borough Council to obtain the relevant application forms. In-year admissions

The contact details are:

School Admissions Service
Borough Hall
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AP

Tel: (01234) 718120
Fax: (01234) 228846

Oversubscription criteria

Please read our admissions policy very carefully and ensure you understand the over-subscription criteria. Please also make sure you meet all published closing dates; failure to do so will mean your application will be considered after all other ‘on time’ applications. How to apply for a school place


There is an established appeals process if you are refused a place in the school. If you wish to appeal a decision made by the school, you should contact Bedford Borough Council, who manage the process; please contact the Council as per the details in your refusal letter. Please note that the School is not able to discuss any appeal with you or advise you in any way. Appeals Process