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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At St James' CE Primary, we value every child as a unique child of God.  St James' is an inclusive and nurturing learning environment where all children are supported and challenged to develop academically and to flourish socially as caring citizens.

For SEND children, a positive relationship is built between the parents/carers, the child and the school. We are all partners in supporting the child to achieve their very best. The school follows the Assess, Plan, Do Review process and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are reviewed each term, with parents, pupils and class teachers and where beneficial, the SENDCo may attend the meetings.

The school aligns with the SEN Code of Practice (2015) and the Equality Act (2010). The school SEND Policy and SEND Information Report, are available below. Also, please find the link to the local SEND offer from the LA.

Miss Jess Creed is our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) with responsibility for SEND across the school.

The role of the school’s SENDCo is to work with children, staff and parents or carers to support and meet the needs of children experiencing difficulties in their learning.

Whether your child is already on the school’s SEND register, or you have concerns that your child may have a special educational need, please consult your child’s class teacher or speak to the school office to arrange a meeting or a phone call.

St James' SEND Policy


SEND Info. Report 

Local Offer

Our local authority’s local offer is published here:

Equality Objectives

Our Equality Scheme was drafted in 2017 and is due for a full review in 2020. Our scheme addresses Gender, race, and disability equality, and includes our accessibility plan.

Download Document

For Parents - Supporting Children with SEND

Internet Matters has a great range of guides and advice hubs available for parents of neurodivergent children including connecting and sharing online, online gaming and more. 

 You can access all the guides Here.