Reception - Robins
Thank you for allowing us to visit you and your children in your homes and to those of you that chose to visit us in school, it has been such a valuable experience for us. After getting the classroom ready it was great to finally see your children arrive on Monday - looking smart and ready for school! We will be ensuring your children are happy and settled over the next few weeks. We will be working on our ‘Settling in Framework’ (please see below).
We will then begin our ’In the moment planning’ approach where the children will lead their own learning by following their interests (here the adults will find teachable moments, model vocabulary, question, and challenge etc.). To complement this we have our broad topic ‘Me and My Community.’ Later on we will also begin our phonics - starting with learning the Read Write Inc set 1 sounds, R.E – where we will explore the question: Why is the word God important to Christians? and, maths carpet sessions which will begin with; Match, Comparing and Sorting and then moving onto Measures and Patterns. The children will be able to select a library book from our class library – Fridays will be our library day. Also, reading books will be issued later in the term.
I am looking forward to the brilliant year ahead and getting to know you all more! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to see one of us - best wishes, Mrs Doughty.